Faux Skater - The Ultimate Tony Hawk Pro Skater Soundtrack Tribute Band, a high-octane ensemble that transports audiences back to the golden era of skateboarding with their electrifying performances, reviving the adrenaline-pumping tunes that defined the iconic video game series. Prepare to shred ..
Faux Skater - The Ultimate Tony Hawk Pro Skater Soundtrack Tribute Band, a high-octane ensemble that transports audiences back to the golden era of skateboarding with their electrifying performances, reviving the adrenaline-pumping tunes that defined the iconic video game series. Prepare to shred to the rhythm of nostalgia as Faux Skater delivers a sonic experience that pays homage to the unforgettable soundtracks that fueled countless virtual skate sessions.
NINTENBROS is a Boone-based classic video game cover band that plays music from the beloved video games of our youth (e.g. Zelda, Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, Tetris) that is faithfully re-created from scratch on analog synthesizers. But then they take it another level by playfully morphing the sounds as only synths can