Easy Honey
with special guest
Aggie Flores
Easy Honey sounds like the starry nights, sunny graveyards,
and small-town college Dairy Queens of the South,
where the band took form.
The group's songs have quickly become anthems of nostalgia
for their indie rock audience of daydreamers
Easy Honey
with special guest
Aggie Flores
Easy Honey sounds like the starry nights, sunny graveyards,
and small-town college Dairy Queens of the South,
where the band took form.
The group's songs have quickly become anthems of nostalgia
for their indie rock audience of daydreamers
and nightseekers.
Easy Honey has recently released their album,
Cupidity Unlimited, with contributors such as
Adam Lochemes (Arlie),
Jon Gilbert (Mt. Joy, Adam Melchor, Arey Drive)
and Charlie Stavish (Phoebe Bridgers, Jenny Lewis).
The band's raucous yet sentimental live show
delivers the realness that people crave
in a post covid/internet driven world.
Easy Honey has 45,000 Monthly Listeners!
The band created the Surf Tour, an annual tour and mini
documentary series that connects the band and their
fanbase to communities and local environmental
nonprofits through coastal cleanups and advocacy,
demonstrating the band's love for the ocean and surfing.
Atwood Magazine
"A unique vibe that showed up just in time"
American Songwriter
"[Easy Honey's] sound oozes with fresh melodies
and feel-good beats that seep into your brain."
Beginning this evenings entertainment is local artist Aggie Flores.
If you have NOT heard or seen Aggie your missing something rather special.
Aggie Flores hails from Argentina.
She is a Musician, Creator, Visual Artist and Designer.
Aggie brings the soul and Substance of her Creativity and Heritage
to the stage with a voice you will not soon forget
and a presence that not only captivates you,
but gives you a sense of being around the campfire
with dear friends.
Were stoked that Aggie is able to join the event!
with special guest
Aggie Flores
Easy Honey sounds like the starry nights, sunny graveyards,
and small-town college Dairy Queens of the South,
where the band took form.
The group's songs have quickly become anthems of nostalgia
for their indie rock audience of daydreamers
and nightseekers.
Easy Honey has recently released their album,
Cupidity Unlimited, with contributors such as
Adam Lochemes (Arlie),
Jon Gilbert (Mt. Joy, Adam Melchor, Arey Drive)
and Charlie Stavish (Phoebe Bridgers, Jenny Lewis).
The band's raucous yet sentimental live show
delivers the realness that people crave
in a post covid/internet driven world.
Easy Honey has 45,000 Monthly Listeners!
The band created the Surf Tour, an annual tour and mini
documentary series that connects the band and their
fanbase to communities and local environmental
nonprofits through coastal cleanups and advocacy,
demonstrating the band's love for the ocean and surfing.
Atwood Magazine
"A unique vibe that showed up just in time"
American Songwriter
"[Easy Honey's] sound oozes with fresh melodies
and feel-good beats that seep into your brain."
Beginning this evenings entertainment is local artist Aggie Flores.
If you have NOT heard or seen Aggie your missing something rather special.
Aggie Flores hails from Argentina.
She is a Musician, Creator, Visual Artist and Designer.
Aggie brings the soul and Substance of her Creativity and Heritage
to the stage with a voice you will not soon forget
and a presence that not only captivates you,
but gives you a sense of being around the campfire
with dear friends.
Were stoked that Aggie is able to join the event!