Immerse yourself in the captivating world of "The Lightning Thief" as Parkside Middle School students take to the stage in this thrilling musical adaptation. Based on the beloved novel by Rick Riordan, the production follows the epic journey of Percy Jackson, a young demigod who embarks on a ..
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of "The Lightning Thief" as Parkside Middle School students take to the stage in this thrilling musical adaptation. Based on the beloved novel by Rick Riordan, the production follows the epic journey of Percy Jackson, a young demigod who embarks on a quest to uncover his true identity and prevent a catastrophic war among the gods. With a dynamic cast of talented young performers, enchanting musical numbers, and spellbinding special effects, this electrifying performance promises to transport audiences on a breathtaking adventure through Greek mythology like never before.
Leave plenty of time for parking! Tickets purchased may not be refunded but may be changed to another show. Call 650 738 8648 to request or email with the name date and number of tickets purchased and date and time of show to transfer to. All ticket proceeds go back to San Bruno Schools!
Leave plenty of time for parking! Tickets purchased may not be refunded but may be changed to another show. Call 650 738 8648 to request or email with the name date and number of tickets purchased and date and time of show to transfer to. All ticket proceeds go back to San Bruno Schools!