125 South Avenida del Convento, Tucson, Arizona 85745
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Carnevale di Venezia
After nearly 200 years of entertaining families worldwide and 12 years in Tucson, AZ, the Zoppé Family Circus is back with a bang. Zoppé commences its performance season in celebration of Carnevale di Venezia. Co-produced by Luca Colferi, director of Compagnie de Calza, on..
Carnevale di Venezia
After nearly 200 years of entertaining families worldwide and 12 years in Tucson, AZ, the Zoppé Family Circus is back with a bang. Zoppé commences its performance season in celebration of Carnevale di Venezia. Co-produced by Luca Colferi, director of Compagnie de Calza, one of the oldest theater companies in the world, based in Venice. Zoppe brings costumes and masks handmade in Venice, traditional Venetian music, a 500-year-old commedia preshow, and more. The audience will travel on an exquisite journey through time and into Carnevale's intrigue, extravagance, and celebration of life and art.
Mercado District 125 South Avenida del Convento, Tucson, Arizona 85745