Danger Cats presents The Danger Room. Notoriously known as the “Safe Space For Dangerous Ideas”, this unique comedy show celebrates the darkest corners of what is funny. Sam Walker, Brett Forte, and Uncle Hack bring you an evening of jokes your HR department would have a meltdown over.
Brett Fo..Danger Cats presents The Danger Room. Notoriously known as the “Safe Space For Dangerous Ideas”, this unique comedy show celebrates the darkest corners of what is funny. Sam Walker, Brett Forte, and Uncle Hack bring you an evening of jokes your HR department would have a meltdown over.
Brett Forte headlines November 18th. He’s been featured on Just For Laughs, The Hollywood Comedy Festival and most notably, he’s been banned from Canadian Television.
Also on the show: Sam Walker, a previous 5-time Roast Battle Champion who is banned from the entire country of Sweden and Uncle Hack, who’s Danger Cat merchandise is banned from every school in North America.
Brett Forte headlines November 18th. He’s been featured on Just For Laughs, The Hollywood Comedy Festival and most notably, he’s been banned from Canadian Television.
Also on the show: Sam Walker, a previous 5-time Roast Battle Champion who is banned from the entire country of Sweden and Uncle Hack, who’s Danger Cat merchandise is banned from every school in North America.