Darcine's Day | Pre Existing Freedom | Shame | You're Not There | Under
Wed, Oct 2 7:15 pm - 8:45 pm
(Entry at 7:15 pm)
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Includes Reception
Films are played in blocks of 1-6 films in a time frame of 60-135 minutes per block. Films play in succession and all Q&A's will follow the screening block. Your ticket gains you entry to all films in the screening block.
Title: Shame
Director: Kelly Lynn Warren
Social links: @shametheshortfilm
Trailer: https://filmfreeway.com/Shame188
Title: Under
Director: Aloura Charles
Social links: http://www.theundermovie.com
Director: Aaron Goffman
Social links: @darcinesday or https://www.instagram.com/darcinesday/
Trailer: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d7idrddw0z7svoo6h2e66/Darcines_Day_Trailer_7.mp4?rlkey=cs1scj4wrs1my2k10j985kpoo&dl=0
Title: Pre Existing Freedom
Director: Fr3deR1cK Taylor
Social links: Tomorrowpictures.com
Title: You're Not There
Director: SJ Creazzo
Includes Reception
Films are played in blocks of 1-6 films in a time frame of 60-135 minutes per block. Films play in succession and all Q&A's will follow the screening block. Your ticket gains you entry to all films in the screening block.
Title: Shame
Director: Kelly Lynn Warren
Social links: @shametheshortfilm
Trailer: https://filmfreeway.com/Shame188
Title: Under
Director: Aloura Charles
Social links: http://www.theundermovie.com
Director: Aaron Goffman
Social links: @darcinesday or https://www.instagram.com/darcinesday/
Trailer: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d7idrddw0z7svoo6h2e66/Darcines_Day_Trailer_7.mp4?rlkey=cs1scj4wrs1my2k10j985kpoo&dl=0
Title: Pre Existing Freedom
Director: Fr3deR1cK Taylor
Social links: Tomorrowpictures.com
Title: You're Not There
Director: SJ Creazzo